Saturday, February 1, 2014

What Purple Cane Restaurant in Malaysia has to offer

A lot of people probably already know this, but food tastes a lot better when eaten with pleasure and enjoyment of every single bite. Guess Purple Cane restaurant has figured out that secret a long time ago, and have found a way to make something unique by adding tea to every meal they make. In all honesty, that is such a brilliant idea and a very delicious one if I may add, especially to someone whose palate is not used to this kind of cuisine.

It’s always good to try out new things and just by looking the restaurant from the outside one can be sure that an unusual experience is what lies ahead. It looks very cozy and attractive from the outside and once you step in you can feel the Asian influence in every single detail. It has its own peacefulness and comfort – two things a person can use from time to time while living a busy and dynamic daily life. 

Even if you think you are not that hungry your appetite changes after a few sips of the complimentary pu-er tea they usual serve before you have ordered. Interesting thing about the pu-er tea is that if served after dining is has the effect of clearing all body fat, but if you drink it before you’ve eaten it boost your appetite and makes you more hungry. So to Purple Cane Restaurant, there is only one thing to say – smart move.

Speaking in terms of menu there is a rich one to choose from. Over 50 unique dishes prepared with different types of tea – soups, noodles, vegetables, rice, seafood and meat with the exception of pork.  It’s easy to keep it vegetarian if you want to. The restaurant has a long list of soups and meals without any meat included. Every dish has its own unique light flavor due to the absence of artificial spices while keeping the original tea aroma.

What really had me were all the adorable teapots on the table. Some for soups other for tea which they usually refill with hot water before you’ve asked and free of charge.

Another thing that should be said about the restaurant is the great service it offers to its customers. Always following the rule that the customer is always right, polite attitude, and never have to wait for your order, in fact it’s quite the opposite – a server comes to you at the door, helps you find a seat and brings your dishes between 5 to 7 minutes.

Probably shouldn’t forget to mention how all of this comes at a very reasonable and inexpensive price. That way you get to keep the harmonious Zen vibe that you’ve been getting throughout your entire dining experience, even when it comes time to pay the bill.

It is obvious the kind of a hard work people have put into the purple cane restaurant to make it what it is today, keeping it attractive and yet so simple, pure and real without any artificial nonsense. A place of peace where one can enjoy great food and service.

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