Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to Get the Ultimate Sushi Dining Experience

Traditional seafood often emphasizes the freshness of the daily catch, along with vegetables readily available from the store. The Japanese know this very well, being seafaring island based people for centuries.

Japanese cuisine is the perfect example of seafood in its most pure form. It places an emphasis on the balance between the land and the water, tying in staple food crops such as rice and root vegetables and bringing in delicacies from the Pacific such as seaweed and freshly caught tuna.

Here are some of the ways to ensure you have the best sushi experience possible while going to a Japanese restaurant.

Make sure all ingredients are fresh

In this instance, that means nothing has been overly processed. Freezing and thawing, freshly caught fish does not change their designation, since it serves a vital health role in preventing diseases and parasites from harming restaurant goers.

A good example is to see if the restaurant uses fresh rice, or reconstituted instant rice.

Check with the local health authority before going

A clean restaurant will serve higher quality food than one that is barely passing its health inspections. All major cities have well-staffed health departments whose goal is to insure that visitors and locals alike do not become ill.

If in doubt, ask your waiter when the last time an inspection was carried out, and what the results were. If they do not know, head somewhere else.

Check for online reviews

People talk about everything under the sun. When visiting a city for the first time, go to local messaging boards and see what the locals recommend. You may find that the perfect sushi bar may be located not in a tourist trap, but a sleepy suburb ten minutes out of town.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Menu Best Picks from Jakarta Restaurants

Finding the best restaurant Jakarta can offer takes time and research. This is a massive place that has numerous types of cuisine available. The foods will get your taste buds dancing, your mind and heart racing, and your feet running to the entrance to get a plate for yourself. Of course, that is if you can find the restaurant that appeals to you the most. 

To find restaurants, you need to figure out what it is you really want. Once you have an idea of what will appeal to you, you can start narrowing down the list. Whether you want a sushi bar or a steak house, a family restaurant or a burger restaurant, there is something here to get you happy and in the eating mood.

The Twenty8

For one of the best restaurants in Jakarta, check out The Twenty8. Here, you have foods that explore the continent, giving you multiple types of dishes. They are each beautifully plated and served, and they give you the types of flavors that you never imagined was possible. Delicious, beautiful, and pieces of the world come together, Twenty8 does not fail to impress or deliver. You are going to find yourself wanting more of this food the moment that you leave the place.

Dapur Babah

Another fantastic restaurant in Jakarta is Dapur Babah. It is a collision of East and West, and the result is stunning. You have the best of both worlds under this one roof, creating a new experience that your taste buds will not soon forget. The influences show up in nearly every aspect of this restaurant and help to give it its own personality, taste, and unique twist that you are not going to find elsewhere.

Salt Grill

One Jakarta restaurant that everyone has to check out is Salt Grill. Australian cuisine at its finest, this restaurant offers a large and mouthwatering menu that perfectly complements elegant décor. You have all of the flavors and foods that make Australian cuisine outstanding, and all handled by professional chefs who excel at what they do.


Of course, if you are trying to find the best restaurant Jakarta can offer, you cannot forget Rosso. An Italian restaurant that creates splendid dishes for both the eyes and stomach, Rosso does not sacrifice quality in any area. Anyone trying to have a luxurious, comforting meal will find themselves falling in love with this place. You cannot find restaurant quality like this in many other places.